Meeting Room and Pod Policy
The meeting rooms are available for groups providing non-profit programs for the educational, social and cultural benefit of the community. Meetings must be open to the public without admission charge. Meetings on controversial topics must allow other views on the subject to be addressed. Use of the rooms by groups other than those described above will require special permission by the Board of Library Trustees and/or the Library Director. The Main Meeting Room accommodates up to 75 chairs. The library can provide a podium, various technology (screens, computers, hotspots), tables, and chairs. The Maker Room can accommodate up to 6 people. All reservations for the larger meeting spaces need to be submitted at least two weeks in advance.
The donation for usage of these rooms is as follows:
$25.00 for Maker Room for up to 2 hours. $15/per hour after that.
$50.00 Main Meeting Room for up to 2 hours. $25/per hour after that.
We also offer three soundproof pods that can be reserved for up to four hours at a time. Up to four people can use the larger pod at any one time, and there are two, individual pods. No back-to-back reservations allowed.
The donation for usage of these pods are as follows:
$5/hr. for tutors and outside organizations and groups
First hour free for patrons, each additional hour is $5/hr.
Checks may be made out to the Friends of the Swampscott Public Library.
Meeting Room Rules
- Library-sponsored or co-sponsored events programs and events have priority for meeting room use.
- Programs and exhibits may not disrupt the use of the library by others, and all groups are expected to follow all library policies and ensure that attendees maintain a respectful and safe environment. Disruptive behavior may result in removal from the event and future restrictions on attendance.
- Rooms may not be used for commercial, fundraising, or purely private events (e.g., birthday parties).
- The following groups may use the rooms at no charge:
- Groups associated with the library, such as the Friends of the Library, the Board of Trustees, etc.
- Town Departments and Committees
- Groups, which are co-sponsoring a program with the library
- Non-profits and groups who provide educational, social and/or cultural benefits to the community
- All programs and meetings must be open to the public.
- No admission may be charged for any program in the meeting rooms, with the exception of Town Department run programs and activities, and any library fundraising events.
- Smoking and alcohol are prohibited in the meeting rooms.
- Light refreshments are permitted, provided that the area is completely cleaned by the group after the meeting- no food may be left behind. Food is not allowed in the soundproof pods, but covered drinks are permissible.
- The meeting rooms must be returned to their original condition after the meeting as they were, prior to the meeting. Failure to return the rooms to their correct condition could result in a custodial charge being assessed to the renting group and/or loss of the privilege to use the room.
- No extended or repeat bookings of the meeting rooms are allowed without special permission of the Board of Library Trustees.
- Meetings must adhere to the reserved times and should begin and end based on those agreed upon arrangements. Please account for any set-up and tear-down time needed. Failure to start and/or end meetings on time could result in a loss of meeting room privileges.
- Meetings must end 15 minutes before the library closes.
Cancellation and Fees
- Cancellations should be communicated 48 hours in advance.
- Repeated no-shows or late cancellations may result in loss of room reservation privileges.
- Fees may be applied for damages or special setups requested by the group.
- External groups may not use the library’s logo or imply library sponsorship in their marketing materials.
- External groups will not receive any library promotion on the library’s website, social media feeds, or inside the building.
Internet Use Policy
All patrons are encouraged to sign-up (with their library card) to use the computers. If a patron does not possess a library card, cannot apply for a card, or is visiting from out-of-state, a guest pass may be provided. Each reservation is for one hour and computer usage time may be extended if at least one computer with Internet access is unoccupied, but additional time will not be granted if all Internet computers are currently occupied.
The library cannot provide email accounts, nor can library staff assist with filling out official government paperwork, tax forms, or type out materials for patrons.
Printing is charged $.25 per page for black and white, $.50 per page for color printing.
A person who damages equipment will be responsible for the cost required to return the equipment to proper operation.
The staff reserves the right to ask patrons to abort his/her search if it is displaying offensive or hostile material.
Parents must monitor their children’s use of the Internet.
The use of the Internet access through the Swampscott Public Library for illegal purposes or to transmit threatening, obscene, or harassing materials is strictly forbidden.
Materials obtained from the Internet may be subject to copyrighted laws.
Children's Room Policy
For the safety of our children and the comfort of all of our patrons, the Swampscott Public Library strives to create a warm, inviting, fun and safe environment for children. We offer many programs and services that encourage children to develop a love of books, reading and learning. The safety and well-being of children at the library is a serious concern, therefore the library maintains this policy:
- All children under the age of 7 must have an adult or a responsible person 13 years or older with them at all times while they are anywhere in the Library.
2. No library staff member is authorized to accept responsibility for the supervision or care for any minor child left alone or unattended at the Library at any time.
3. No child under the age of 7 will be allowed on the computers without a parent or guardian seated with them.
All Minor Children
1. Parents or guardians should be responsible for having their children picked up by the time or before the Library is closed. Please note that the Children’s room closes before the rest of the building.
2. Should it be determined that a child under age 14 has been left at the Library at closing time, every attempt will be made to contact the child’s parents or other family member. The Swampscott Police will be called if no one can be reached. Staff members will remain after hours with an unattended child until the parent, guardian, or police arrive.
3. Library staff members will not transport children from the Library to any other location.
4. Parents, guardians, or caretakers who violate the rules stated above risk having their library privileges restricted or revoked.
Approved by Board of Trustees May, 2023.
Teen Room Policy
The Teen Room is a dedicated space reserved for patrons 6th to 12th grade. Use of seating, computers/technology, and other standalone activities within this room are reserved for teens. Out of concern for the safety of young patrons, adults and children aged 10 and under who are unaccompanied by a teen in the Teen Room of the Library, may be questioned by staff, and may be asked to move to another area of the Library at any time.
All other patrons may access the space while school is in session, limited to browsing the collection and use of available seating, but may not utilize the computers. Access to the room will terminate once school is out of session, and any remaining patrons may be asked to leave.
Room will close 15 minutes prior to closing the building
Our Teen Room follows the same policies as the rest of the library. Patrons using the Teen Room must abide by all of the rules and policies of the library, including the Patron Behavior/Acceptable Use Policy and the Swampscott Public Library Internet Use Policy. Library staff will inform teen patrons behaving disruptively or inappropriately of the rules. If the disruptive or inappropriate behavior continues, the teen may be asked to leave the Library. Any patron who continually violates these policies may be denied the privilege of access to the Library by the Library Director or the Swampscott Police.
Computer Access
The Teen Room has three computers available for use by Teens. All computers connect to the internet and the library catalog. To use any of these computers, patrons must follow the Swampscott Public Library Internet Use Policy. Patrons who do not follow this policy may be denied the privilege of access to the library Wifi and computers by the Library Director or the Swampscott Police.
Approved by Board of Trustees May, 2023.
Patron Behavior/Acceptable Use Policy
We welcome everyone to use the Swampscott Public Library. This policy is designed to promote appropriate and equitable use of the library. It will allow the Swampscott Library and its staff to carry out its mission to provide services, programs and materials that enrich lives. We have established this policy to ensure the safety of our patrons and staff, as well as safeguard our resources and facilities from damage. We wish to foster a love of reading and provide access to information. The Library requests respect for others and any act which is inconsistent with the mission of the Library will not be tolerated.
Among these are the following:
- Disruptive behavior, such as but not limited to, running, playing loud audio, threatening or harassing behavior, public intoxication, talking too loudly or engaging in any other behavior that would hinder the Library from carrying out its mission.
- Misuse of the public restroom
- Smoking or the use of other tobacco products and electronic smoking devices in the library
- Possession of alcohol or illegal drugs
- Possessions of weapons including but not limited to knives, clubs, guns, and blades
- Verbal or physical harassment or assault of patrons or staff
- Theft or damage of any library materials
- Entering the library without shoes or shirts.
- Leaving a child under the age of 7 unattended in the library
- Any activities that violate local, state, or federal laws or rules or policies of the Library
Any patron who violates this Policy may be denied the privilege of access to the Library by the Library Director or the Swampscott Police.
Approved by Board of Trustees May, 2023.
Fines Policy
The Swampscott Public Library is pleased to announce that the Library will be fine-free for nearly all overdue materials, effective immediately, and any past-due fines for Swampscott Library items will be removed from patron records. Library overdue fines are a deterrent to equitable access to library services, and serve only as a penalty for most families. This initiative is in keeping with the American Library Association’s 2019 “Resolution on Monetary Library Fines as a Form of Social Inequity,” and is supported by the Swampscott Public Library Board of Trustees and the Town of Swampscott.
If Swampscott Library materials are not returned, replacement fees will still apply, and patron records will be blocked until the item is returned or paid for. Once those items are returned to the Library, there will no longer be a penalty for being returned late. Fines and fees for items borrowed from other libraries are set by the owning library, so those may still apply. For questions, call (781) 596-8867 or contact Caroline Margolis, Head of Circulation at, or Jonathan Nichols, Library Director at
Damaged and Incomplete Items Policy
Damaged Items
The Swampscott Public Library strives to ensure that its materials meet a high standard of quality and durability. Staff members regularly inspect circulating items at check-in and checkout to note damage or identify materials that need repair or replacement. We encourage patrons to bring to our attention any damage that may have gone unnoticed so we can note the condition on the item.
When an item is returned in damaged condition, our staff will evaluate the extent of the damage and determine if the item can be mended. Items damaged beyond repair will be charged to the last patron who had the item checked out unless a note on the item indicates that the damage occurred prior to checkout. The patron will be notified of the condition and replacement cost, which will reflect the list price of the item. The patron will be able to keep the damaged item if the replacement cost is received within three months of returning the item. After three months, damaged items will be discarded.
Patrons have the option to purchase replacement copies of lost or damaged items instead of paying the fee mentioned above. The replacement copy must be exactly identical to the damaged item (same ISBN, edition, etc.) and must be in new condition. The replacement copy will be subject to review by our library staff before the fee is waived. We strongly advise all patrons who choose to purchase a replacement copy to first consult with library staff to ensure the correct item is purchased.
The policy outlined above applies to items owned by the Swampscott Public Library only. Materials borrowed from other libraries will be subject to the procedures and policies of the owning library. If a patron wishes to pay the replacement fee for an item belonging to another library, the fee must be paid for with a check or money order made out to the owning library. Cash cannot be accepted for payments to other libraries.
Incomplete Item Policy
Many of the items we circulate contain multiple pieces, including audiobooks, travel books with maps, language materials, DVD courses, music CDs with booklets, and media kits. Our staff count these items at check-in and checkout to ensure all pieces are included.
If a patron returns an item with a piece missing, the patron will be contacted by library staff to indicate that the piece is missing. The item will remain checked out to the patron until the missing piece is returned, and overdue fines will apply if the piece is not returned before the due date.
If a patron loses a piece of a set, our staff will attempt to purchase or find a replacement for the missing part and will charge a replacement fee for that piece only. This fee will depend on the type and cost of the replacement. If the missing piece cannot be replaced individually, the patron will be responsible for the replacement cost of an entire new set.