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summer reading logo with adult in a book boat

Adult Summer Reading

Get Ready for Reading Fun this Summer!

Explore all the Library has to offer this summer in order to win an assortment of prizes. For every activity you do you’ll get a ticket to win a prize!

animation of a campsite being built

Begin your adventure by registering today!

animation of tickets being put into a clear box

Each activity completed or book read this summer will earn you a raffle ticket for one of our prizes!

animation of a map

Track your progress with our Readers Handbook! Log your books and complete various challenges and activities!


Explore the prizes you could win this summer!

Copper Dog Gift Card

String Black

You could win a $50 gift card!

Copper Dog Gift Card String

Copper Dog Gift Card

Whole Foods Gift Card

String Black

You could win a $50 gift card!

Whole Foods Gift Card String

Whole Foods Gift Card

PEM Museum Store

String Black

You could win a $50 gift card!

PEM Museum Store String

PEM Museum Store

Dunkin Gift Cards

String Black

You could win one of two $25 gift cards!

Dunkin Gift Cards String

Dunkin Gift Cards

Begin Your Adventure

Adult Summer Reading Registration

Sign-Up for Our Online Newsletter?(Required)

Readers Handbook

Be sure to either download and print your handbook, or visit the Reference Desk to pick-up a copy so that you can track your adventure!