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Homebound Delivery


Any Swampscott resident who is unable to come to the Library due to limited mobility, illness or physical disability is eligible for homebound delivery, within the available resources. Homebound status may be permanent or temporary. Eligibility will be established when a Librarian conducts a phone interview with the interested patron or upon receipt of our online form. Should the patron not have a Library card, the Librarian will assist the patron in obtaining one.

Criteria for Homebound Delivery Service

A Swampscott resident requesting homebound delivery services is required to meet one of the following criteria:

  • Permanent physical disabilities which prevent an individual from visiting the Library.
  • Temporary physical limitations (or illness) which prevent an individual from visiting the Library for a minimum of three weeks or longer
  • Severe mobility problems which prevent an individual from visiting the Library
  • Must have a library card
  • Are not in violation of any library policies

Homebound Patron Responsibilities
Homebound patrons MUST provide a safe and appropriate environment for library staff and volunteers who make deliveries to their homes. The library reserves the right to suspend service if any of the following conditions exist:

  • Pets are not confined (with the exception of service animals)
  • A clear and safe path to the home is not made available
  • Any person in the home presents threatening behavior
  • Any person in the home uses abusive or obscene language, makes obscene gestures, or displays obscene images
  • Any person in the home harasses staff or volunteers
  • Any person in the home exhibits signs of illness that may jeopardize the health of our delivery drivers
  • Any materials checked out to a homebound patron that appears to have been willfully defaced or damaged while in their custody

Applying and How Delivery Works

  • Upon applying for homebound status, the patron will participate in a phone interview with a Librarian who will fill out a Homebound Services Questionnaire to establish the borrowing and reading tastes of the new user. If the online form is completed, a Librarian may call to confirm details.
  • The patron is welcome to request specific titles, genres and formats and/or may ask the Librarian to select materials based on their questionnaire responses.  However, materials requested will be limited to Swampscott-owned items. A library card is required for this service, and library staff can assist with registering any homebound patron with a card.
  • If a patron wishes to renew an item, it will be granted according to library policy (no more than two renewals as long as no hold has been placed on the item). The patron MUST communicate their desire to renew an item BEFORE their next delivery.
  • While late fees will not be assessed to participants, individuals are still responsible for their items and may be charged for lost or damaged materials.
  • Deliveries will be made the first Tuesday of the month. The library reserves the right to reschedule deliveries to a different day of the week as necessary. Additionally, deliveries will not occur during inclement weather, and missed deliveries will be handled the following week.
  • No Library staff or volunteers are to enter the home.