Swampscott Schools

Swampscott Schools

Please click on any image to see an enlarged view, which will open in a new tab. We are still diligently working on labeling all of the photos, but it is still a work in progress. Please pardon our mess.

Hadley Junior High Basketball

Jhbb1 Jhbb2 Jhbb3 Jhbb4 Jhbb5 Jhbb6

Hadley Junior High Class Pictures

Jhcp2 Jhcp3 Jhcp4 Jhcp5 Jhcp6 Jhcp1

Hadley Junior High Football

Jhft1 Jhft2

Swampscott High Baseball

Shba4 Shba5 Shba1 Shba2 Shba3

Swampscott High Basketball

Shbb1 Shbb2

Swampscott High Class Pictures

Hscp1 Hscp2 Hscp3 Hscp4 Hscp5 Hscp6 Hscp7 Hscp8 Hscp9 Hscp10 Hscp11

Swampscott High Football

Hsft1 Hsft2 Hsft3 Hsft4 Hsft5 Hsft6a Hsft6b Hsft7 Hsft8

St. John's Football

Sjft1 Sjft2

School Buildings

Clarke1915 Hadley1924a Hadley1924b Machon1921a Machon1921b Stjohn1928